Patterns, designs, and truth

Last year at this time, I was looking outside and wondering if spring would ever show up. The telltale signs of winter were etched in snow covered trees with accumulations of the now too familiar white stuff clinging to the driveway and blanketing every inch of grass. According to the calendar spring had arrived, but really? Would there be no end to deep freeze temperatures and would the snow every stop? I’m a naturally positive person, but I was getting discouraged until God reminded me of a few things about life. First publshed March, 2014, but still true today.  Ready for spring NOW
Reminder #1: It is God, not man who controls the weather. Politicians have no impact on whether the sun shines or the snow falls. Even the best meteorologist has no control over weather patterns. They can assume, they can forecast, they can present colorful maps in shades of blues and reds their predictions for what to expect, but God has the final say. Look what it says in Psalm 147 as I skip around the chapter in the Living Bible. “How good it is to sing praises to the Lord!  He covers the heavens with clouds, sends down the showers, and makes the green grass grow in mountain pastures. His joy is in those who reverence him, those who expect him to be loving and kind. Praise your God! He sends peace across your nation and sends his orders to the world. He sends the snow in all its lovely whiteness, scatters the frost upon the ground, and hurls the hail upon the earth. Who can stand before his freezing cold? But then he calls for warmer weather, and the spring winds blow and all the river ice is broken.”
I want spring, I long for days when the sun shines down for hours and warms the earth so flowers grow and grass turns green. I couldn’t stop looking at my lilac tree yesterday and wishing to see the delicate purple buds burst into blossoms. Like you, I’m praying for temperatures far above freezing that last more than 24 hours. Reminder #2: Then God whispers in my ear “I made the skies above and the earth below. I commanded everything and they came into being – all creatures on earth and in the ocean depths. Fire and hail, snow, rain, wind, and weather all obey me.” Psalm 148.
Sometimes I can be a little slow on the uptake. And God has to send me a good dose of reality. Reminder #3: Psalm 29:10-11” At the Flood the Lord showed his control of all creation. Now he continues to unveil his power. He will give his people strength. He will bless them with peace.” Be patient, God is in control, He will give us all strength to endure this obstinate winter. And look what he promises as a reward. “He will bless them with peace.”
I don’t know about you, but I could use some resolute power and uncompromising peace. Isaiah 26:12 “Lord, grant us peace; for all we have and are has come from you.” Even the weather. It’s tough, but I’m thanking God for the weather because I know that He is controlling it, and that brings peace to my heart.

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Refining Grace