If you are close to Grand Rapids, MI – 5:30 pm May 20

I personally feel that the best way to stay positive in a negative world is to surround myself with positive people. I know a positive person when I see one. I’m looking forward to seeing and listening to the person who wrote these words in his latest book: I’m still trying in my lifetime role as cheerleader and encourager to have a positive influence on my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They are the future and as an eternal optimist, I believe that today’s young people have the capacity to build a successful future, but they need guidance from those who have succeeded in the past. ….

What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular. I’ve tried to do right regardless of critics, changing lifestyles, political party, of those who have influence in society at a given time. I’ve never been able to argue against wisdom of having an upward look, being persistent, believing in America and free enterprise, a Christian faith, loving family, being accountable to myself and others and recognizing the dignity in each person. …..
Two phrases that have been keys to my success; “Be a Life Enricher” and “You can do it!” I’m telling you – You Can Do It – you can attend the author talk too.  5:30 pm Baker Books on East Paris. I’m sure I will be surrounded by positive people.

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Refining Grace