I'm glad God doesn't have mood swings!

There is opportunity every day to experience the moodiness of others; sometimes even the moodiness of myself.  There are days when I’m mystified by the raw, biting attitudes of people who seem to be numb to the effect their attitudes have on co-workers, friends, and even their family – sometimes especially their family. Recently I was listening to one side of a conversation and as the dialog continued, I could feel the tension and heat in the air as the power play continued. While it was impossible to detect the winner, both parties were certainly defeated.  It’s painful for someone like me who just wants everyone’s world to be perfect to witness the obvious peril of individuals who can’t agree, put aside grievances, and just get along.  Right!  Perfect is just a word, it’s not a state of being.
In this world there will be disagreements …. LOUD and hurtful disagreements. This is what hurts even more.  A friend who finds fault, and criticizes instead of supports and encourages.  A friend who is generally kind, but lets every little irritation become a battle, and everyone inside the circle become targets and victims of the schrapnel.  We are all so human.  In this world there will be pain and sadness. I am so glad God is always the same.  If He disagrees with something I’ve done, He responds the same as He does when I do something right.  And just because I do something right doesn’t mean I will live a life free of pain.  My life is a process lived out through faith in a God who never changes.  He doesn’t get indignant and change his words to get back at me. He doesn’t turn his back on me when I make a mistake.  He doesn’t expect me to do stupid things then reject me as damaged goods when I do. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  His mood and acts toward me are not dependent on my wavering mood or flawed acts toward Him. God doesn’t have mood swings. Amen

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Refining Grace