Transformers in Real Life

Yesterday, I attended a women’s conference geared toward spiritual growth. The speaker, Pam Farrel, worked through some insightful scriptures and life applications, then left us with an outline for putting thoughts into action. One of the worksheets starts with adopting a favorite word for the year. I’ve been doing that for about six years, so that seemed to be a good starting place. My word for this year is joy. Do you have favorite words? I guess that might sound strange now that I think about it, how do you feel about the word transform…. you know what? I like that word. I’ve added it to a list of other favorite words like integrity, faith, discernment, wisdom, peace, contentment ….
Have you ever seen those kid toys that look like a vehicle and with a few twists of parts, becomes a super hero? Transforming our minds so we have a right view of the world is a lot like that – although let me tell you, it’s not so easy as just turning a wheel to become an arm, leg, or protective helmet. Transforming our mind is the first step to transforming our behavior and seeing the world through a different lens. So, while we live in the world, we don’t let it ‘squeeze us into its mold’. There are many reasons why I love the word transform, but one of them is because it gives me hope. Renewing my mind is where it starts because what is stored in my mind eventually cascades into actions which then become habits.
To form a good habit, or get rid of a bad one takes more than performing the act over and over. I’ve heard it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I’ve tried the 21 days. I must be a slow learner because on day 22, I am just as likely to fall back into an old pattern as I was on day 3! Why is that? For me, it’s because while I train myself to repeat an act over and over, I haven’t renewed my mind. Yesterday I mentioned the idea of an 11th commandment and after the conference, this verse came to mind. What if Romans 12:2 became the 11th commandment? “Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.”
I don ‘t know how many habits I’ve tried to break in my past or even how many should be in process now. I know that unless I transform my thinking, any chance to stop whatever it is, will fail. Note to self: To be transformed, you’ve got to renew your mind. Only then will those repetitive acts become authentically infused into your character.
Every act was once a thought. If I am going to live the way that pleases God, which is what I am called to do (Romans 12:1) it starts with renewing my mind. This means I have to capture every thought and before it takes root in my heart, make sure it aligns with what God says is right.
I have miles to go before I get it right. But scripture gives me hope.  I can live transformed because my journey is not complete until I take my last breath on Earth. While I am here, I pray as David did in Psalm 51:10 Create a pure heart in me, Lord and renew my spirit and keep me strong so I can shine for you.
Ready to transform your life? It isn’t a magic act. Presto and your life changes. It’s the little things you do day after day, the actions moment to moment that change your life. It starts with ‘the thought’ ….

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Refining Grace