You Are What You Tweet – book review

I was given a copy of this book to read and was immediately drawn in. If there’s a book that covers the topic of social media, especially Twitter, in so many aspects, so far it’s unknown to me. I’ve been reading books and writing reviews for a couple years but until today have not posted them on my personal blog. Why not? It’s a mystery. I’ve never considered it until now.  I hope you take the time to read the full review posted here.

You Are What You Tweet: Harness the Power of Twitter to Create a Happier, Healthier Life

If you are overwhelmed by Twitter or social media in genera this book is for you. Germany Kent recognizes that the world of social media is dynamic and pushes more at us than our minds can absorb. If overwhelm is a word that describes your experience with social media this book is for you. Through it readers are taught how to use the powerful platform of social media to discover how to share their individuality through self-expression.
You Are What You Tweet: Harness the Power of Twitter to Create a Happier, Healthier Life by Germany Kent

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