Careful – Old Letters: A Jewish Family's Story – book review

When I was in seventh grade, I read The Diary of Anne Frank, and before my senior year of high school concluded, I had read it twice more. I remember the oppression of the Jews, the intense, demoralizing living conditions, and how unbelievably frightening it had to be living in the times of the horrendous … Read more

The Marathon That Matters

I was born with a heart condition. Not the physical heart that pumps blood and oxygen to my cells, but the heart comprised of mind, emotions, conscience, and will. My heart that craves fairness, desires equality and wants everyone’s little world to be perfect. It’s devastating to learn about someone tormented by bullying, persecuted, cruelly … Read more

Sit Beside Me. Can We Talk?

Once upon a time – and the story has a beginning. Do you ever wish for a place to let down all your defenses, a place where every curtain could be opened, a place where you could say whatever is on your mind, a place to be at peace? Where is that place for you? … Read more

Refining Grace